A simple way to do your daily devotions, called the SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer) Method.



Choose a scripture or passage. Read the verse, write the words, phrases, and verses that resonate with you.

Type your response here…




Take a few moments and observe the passage of scripture, what does the scripture mean? what is the overall message? What did you learn, anything new?

Type your response here…




Here is where you REFLECT, what is the scripture telling you today. What habits, attitudes or changes, do you need to make? What are the key lessons, you can take away from the reading?

Type your response here…




Say a prayer, in reference to the passage, thank God and ask Him for wisdom, and revelation to help you apply the truths to your life? What do you want to tell God as a result of what you have read today?

Type your response here…
